الاثنين، 13 يناير 2014

Treatment and prevention of diabetic foot complications

Like other complications of diabetes , the diabetic foot does not appear suddenly , but through the course of continuous , characterized by many pre -marked , but the vigilance of the patient and her crew therapeutic prevent complications and slow the pace of progress .


In order to prevent foot injury sugary , it is important to persevere on the following matters :

    Maintain the balance of sugar and fat levels in the blood, and maintain the balance of blood pressure , if the patient is suffering from high blood pressure ( hypertension - Hypertension).
    Attention must be paid Pantaal comfortable shoes ( including running shoes for medical Orthopaedic Foot ) .
    Aerobic exercise on a regular basis .
    Quit smoking .

In addition to these general recommendations , is a self- examination and treatment for the feet of the foundation stone in the prevention of complications of diabetic foot infection . We divide the recommendations into those that must be carried out and the other is supposed to refrain from it :

Things that must be done to prevent the infection of diabetic foot complications :

1 . In an examination of the feet , including testing the sense pedicures , with a doctor at a clinic diabetes , once at least every year , even in the absence of any signs or symptoms .

2 . Maintaining the cleanliness of the feet , by washing them on a daily basis , and attendance dry up after washing (especially between fingers ) for the prevention of infection ( especially fungal infection ) .

3 . Examination of the feet on a daily basis ( for example , before going to sleep ) . If necessary, you can use Bzojkm / Zojtkm : you have to look for signs of the presence of dry skin , blisters , cracks , ingrown nail , mycosis ( in the skin or nails ) , deformities or any change in the shape of the foot . If you find one of these signs , you should immediately go to see the doctor .

4 . And Azbwa on Antal Shoes comfortable , convenient and customized for diabetics , so that it is suitable for shoe size Kdmkm and not too tight , so that equal pressure between that runs on the palm of the foot during walking and standing , comfortably. Should be adjusted at the end of the shoe the same day, when standing , as it would then be larger foot . Must be a shoe length and shape of large enough so that there is room for the toes , as it should be appropriate to the depth of the shoe size of the foot. Eventually, people with diabetes should Antal Shoes spacious and comfortable .

5 . Should be examining the shoes of extrusion or before Antaalha purposes (to prevent injury as a result of the presence of foreign objects inside the shoe ) .

6 . Preferred to use cotton socks , which do not contain the stitches or protrusions .

7 . Attendance on the examination and treatment of ulcers on the hands of a specialist diabetic foot care , and who have been trained and qualified medically to treat diabetic foot .

8 . Search the temperature of the water when bathing , by the elbow and not by foot, Kdmikm Protect from exposure to extreme heat or cold .

9 . Used oil or moisturizers to keep your feet and prevent moisture Thqgahma .
10 . Cut toenails must be carefully and regularly.

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